
Date Image News Type
12.09.2016 Belavia ac

Belavia - Belarusian Airlines takes off with AMOS

The advanced technology and sophisticated business functions of AMOS succeeded in convincing Belavia of the superior qualities of the system.
Press Release
22.08.2016 AviancaHangar

Series of AMOS go-lives for Avianca Holdings

Swiss-AS, in cooperation with Lufthansa Systems Americas, is pleased to announce the recent series of go-lives of the Avianca Holdings Airlines.
Press Release
18.07.2016 Iberia ac

IBERIA takes off with AMOS

Swiss-AS is proud to announce that AMOS has been chosen by Spanish carrier Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España S.A. (IBERIA) as the ideal platform to assure continuous airworthiness from an operator perspective.
Press Release
07.07.2016 oman ac

Successful AMOS go-live at Oman Air

Swiss-AS congratulates Oman Air on its successful go-live with AMOS.
Press Release
25.05.2016 airberlin ac

airberlin takes off with AMOS

The airberlin group decided to replace its legacy system and to implement AMOS as the best fit to support the maintenance and engineering activities of the group.
Press Release
23.02.2016 SMPL ac

Small Planet Airlines takes off with AMOS

After a short and concise evaluation process, Small Planet Airlines has decided to go for AMOS.
Press Release
25.01.2016 AMOSmobileEarlyBirds

AMOSmobile early bird customers

Swiss-AS is convinced that a close cooperation with members of the AMOS community can only be beneficial for the application.
Press Release
25.01.2016 YearEnd2015

Swiss-AS strengthens its market position

In 2015, the Swiss-AS MRO software AMOS was adopted by several new customers and the AMOS community was supported by almost 150 employees.
Press Release
12.01.2016 UMS

UMS SKELDAR AG takes off with AMOS

After a short but intensive evaluation period of only four months UMS SKELDAR AG signed with Swiss-AS the first AMOS contract for the management of maintenance and engineering of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).
Press Release
11.12.2015 Etihad Hangar

Etihad Airways takes off with AMOS

Last year Etihad Airways had chosen AMOS as their prime MRO software solution for aircraft maintenance. The implementation project had been split into several phases.
Press Release
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