
Date Image News Type
18.12.2018 EGAT_live


長榮航太科技公司(EGAT)介绍了他们为何选择AMOS,专案管理过程、优点和愿景。该文章於电子期刊【Aircraft IT】03/2018上发表。
Press Release
14.12.2018 Belavia live with AMOS

Belavia live with AMOS

More good news towards the end of the year: Congratulations to Belavia- Belarusian Airlines for the smooth go-live with AMOS! Swiss-AS is pleased to announce that the AMOS implementation project at Belavia has been brought to a successful go-live and the MRO software is now used in daily operation.
News Flash

We are currently in the process of releasing 12.20 – get to know how this works in a nutshell!

Swiss-AS publishes two major AMOS releases per year (June, December). In-between two releases our development teams deliver working code every two weeks based on user stories described by business analysts and developers – these two weeks are called a sprint. After the sprint new functions are presented to other Swiss-AS staff like business consultants and trainers and early feedback is collected.
News Flash
15.11.2018 Albawings takes off with AMOS

Albawings takes off with AMOS

Swiss-AS is happy to announce its latest addition to the AMOS customer community: Albawings. Albawings is an Albanian airline headquartered in Tirana that operates services from its hub to several Italian destinations.
News Flash

Aircraft IT MRO: Vendor Job Card

The Aircraft IT eJournal by Aircraft Commerce shares an interview with the Swiss-AS Chief Product Officer, Matthias Wagenmann, who provides insights on AMOS and aircraft related IT in general.
Press Coverage
07.11.2018 WOW air live with AMOS

WOW air live with AMOS

We congratulate WOW air on the successful go-live with AMOS!
News Flash
06.11.2018 MDS

Integration of AMOS and MDS for mobile stores management

Our Partner Dr. Thomas and Partner (TuP) elaborates on their mobile logistics system MDS and the interface to AMOS. Original article was published in the magazine " Hebezeuge Fördermittel" in German language.
Press Coverage
31.10.2018 BInter go-live

Binter Technic live with AMOS

Swiss-AS congratulates Binter Technic on the successful go-live with AMOS.
Press Release
22.10.2018 AMOS Customer Conference 2018

Video of AMOS Customer Conference 2018

Thank you to all attendees for joining our event in Lucerne and for making it such a memorable occasion!
Press Release

flydubai Integrates FedEx Web Services Technology

Dubai-based airline flydubai and Swiss Aviation Software have integrated AMOS with FedEx Web Services, which are designed to enhance air waybill generation and the transition towards paperless documentation.
Press Coverage
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