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10.02.2020 end year

2019 – A truly exceptional year

Business has been thriving for Swiss-AS, with an exceptional number of new customers signing on AMOS in 2019. Swiss-AS moreover welcomed close to 60 new employees in the company. In 2019, Swiss-AS were able to announce that tier-one Lufthansa German Airlines and Lufthansa Cargo had signed for AMOS - this now bringing all members of the Lufthansa Group together using AMOS. The initiative AMOSup foresees an evolutionary architectural upgrade of AMOS for 2020. Furthermore, Swiss-AS will take the next big step in the evolution of AMOSmobile.
Press Release
20.11.2019 vistara

Vistara takes off with AMOS

With the selection of AMOS, Vistara will use a future-proof M&E software that ensures operational efficiencies in all maintenance areas and allows the airline to launch its digital transformation process. AMOS will integrate Vistara‘s maintenance processes and provide them with the required commercial and operational flexibility across the fleet.
Press Release
18.11.2019 Lufthansa

Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo take off with AMOS

Lufthansa and Lufthansa Cargo will implement AMOS including AMOSmobile, enabling paperless maintenance operations from the beginning. The close cooperation of the Lufthansa group members will be further promoted by AMOScentral, which enables the exchange of data between AMOS instances while nevertheless allowing each group member to keep control over their individual AMOS environments.
Press Release
30.10.2019 TAP

TAP takes off with AMOS

TAP together with TAP Maintenance & Engineering will manage the company-wide fleet maintenance activities with AMOS. By choosing the AMOS MRO Edition including AMOS mobile and relying on the Swiss-AS Cloud Hosting solution, TAP will take advantage of the latest features and services offered by Swiss-AS.
Press Release
05.09.2019 UTair

Helicopter MRO provider UTair Engineering selects AMOS

Russian rotary wing MRO provider UTair Engineering now becomes the second member of the UTair Group to choose AMOS. AMOS offers a wide scope of dedicated functions for helicopters to cater to their special needs and requirements. The system covers the wide range of different helicopter OEM requirements and is not limited to certain helicopter brands or types.
Press Release
22.08.2019 USA Jet

USA Jet live with AMOS

Swiss-AS is pleased to announce USA Jet's recent go-live with AMOS. AMOS’s complete functional depth and scope was one of the prominent reasons USA Jet chose to partner with AMOS. By exploiting the potential of a fully integrated and functionally rich system, USA Jet expects to increase its efficiency and the quality of its in-house planning processes and at the same time, will decrease maintenance costs.
Press Release
05.08.2019 AMOS 19.6

Swiss-AS published its latest AMOS release 19.6

AMOS 19.6 was recently published by Swiss-AS. Here are a few highlights: A new version numbering system has been introduced from July 2019 onwards. Swiss-AS switches to a calendar based numbering system as the use of calendar based release naming systems is rapidly increasing. This numbering system allows an instant identification of the age of a release and relieves the need to remember release number history.
News Flash
01.07.2019 Videos on AMOS implementation at Malaysia Airlines

Videos on AMOS implementation at Malaysia Airlines

In three video episodes Malaysia Airlines gives an insight on their AMOS implementation and the post go-live phase as well as how this project supports the strategic transformation and optimization of the entire organization. The national carrier of Malaysia signed for AMOS at the end of September 2017 and went live with AMOS in just 14 months later while now managing more than 100 end-to-end processes with AMOS.
News Flash
27.05.2019 Petroleum Air Services (PAS) takes off with AMOS

Petroleum Air Services (PAS) takes off with AMOS

Swiss-AS is pleased to announce that Petroleum Air Services (PAS) and Swiss-AS have signed agreements regarding the purchase and implementation of AMOS.AMOS will be implemented without any customer specific changes and PAS can rely on a proven software that reflects industry-best-practices and allows managing both their aircraft and helicopters within one single system.
Press Release
06.05.2019 HAECO


Press Release
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